Yes, strange as he is...Zan is
in fact a TSW. Galatea does produce TSW's every once in awhile and Zan is a great example
of this. Zan has the densest side
sweeps both Don & I have ever felt. Galatea Ca d'Zan
is named after the home of circus entrepreneur John Ringling because he
is one of the top clowns in the caviary. |
Winnings: 10/6/07-
Double BIS - GA National Fair - Perry, GA (Thank you judges,
Peter Herman & John Soper!)
8/11/07 - Double BIS - Cashiers, NC NCCBA Specialty Show (Thank
you, Judges Jim Hupp & Frank Westley!)
10/2007- BOB Peruvian at the ARBA National Convention in Grand
Rapids, MI. Very special thanks to Charlotte Ford for grooming out
and presenting Zan for me!